Tag Archives: Badshot Lea Village Infant School

Come to the Parish Fete!

Come to our fete on Saturday, June 8th, 12-3pm, at St George’s Church, Badshot Lea, for an afternoon of games, stalls, tea, cake, prosecco, tombolas, a raffle and entertainment.

Farnham’s Town Crier will open the fete at noon, and visitors can browse the craft stalls, try their luck at the three tombolas (chocolate, bottle and household goods), play Splat the Rat, search for the hidden treasure, have a game of table football, guess the weight of the cake, raise a glass at the bar, and enjoy a barbecue lunch followed by a cream tea. There’s lots more on too, including a lucky dip for children, a craft area for little ones, a grand raffle with a first prize of £100, live music and displays by Farnham and Aldershot Karate Club, Badshot Lea Village Infant School and the Paris School of Dancing.

Come and join the fun!

Come to the Community Fete

We  are very excited to be able to host the Badshot Lea Community Fete on 3rd July at St. George’s from 12-4pm.

We will be having a barbecue and refreshments, including cream teas.   Due to the restrictions still in place, everyone eating or drinking will need to be seated – so it is lucky we have lots of lawn.  It should be a lovely atmosphere on the beautiful summer grass. 

Sadly, the restrictions mean that the children of Badshot Lea Village School are unable to perform for us but hopefully this will not stop them coming along and enjoying everything on offer.  We are delighted to have partnered with the Tice’s Meadow Birders group, who will have an exhibition,  Badshot Bloomers, with their exciting news about a new Community Garden and the Community Association.  The Sea Cadets will be present and letting people know what goes on in their organisation and the Working Men’s Club will also be represented.  Nibbs Gin are producing flyers which will include interesting discounts.

As a new incentive this year, we have invited small businesses to hire a spot in the car park to sell their wares – so there will artists, wax melts, Usborne Books, bath bombs, hand and face creams, children’s bits and bobs, fudge, calligraphy, craft items, our very own ‘Home Produce’ and a good-as-new toy stall.  We also have a children’s ‘Tea Cup’ ride.

Don’t forget our Summer Grand Draw with a first prize of £100; tickets are already on sale. We are also running a bottle tombola and a more general tombola.  (Any donations gratefully received).

We are all looking forward to a great afternoon of eating, having fun in the sun and coming together as a community.

Looking forward to seeing you all.